Stem in 't Kapittel

Doorbraak website

Custom software development, website, content approval platform

Doorbraak is a news and opinion website. In our early days we developed the first version of the Doorbraak website including many exciting front-end and back-end features.


The front-end came with clear article overviews, different article categories, integrated search, and so much more. The back-end included - besides the basic functionalities a back-end should provide - a custom-made article approval platform. Authors could upload articles they wanted to publish on the Doorbraak website. Editors could review them, share feedback, ask for adaptations, reject or approve articles for publishing.


Infanion developed the Doorbraak CMS based website making use of Drupal, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and CK Editor.



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Stem in 't Kapittel


Custom software development, CMS based website, content approval platform

Project status:




Used technologies & frameworks:

Drupal, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3

Integrated webservices:


Integrated third parties & microservices:

Yes, CK Editor, facebook & Twitter


Amazon AWS cloud server solution

User languages of the application:


Used development methodology:
