LCR Telecom

LCR Telecom CRM

Custom software development, CRM

LCR Telecom is a telecom provider offering all kind of professional data and communication solutions for professional users, small and medium sized companies and corporates.


In 2018, LCR Telecom decided to develop their LCR Telecom CRM, a brand new customer relationship management solution. Although LCR Telecom has an inhouse development team, this team was occupied with other development work, so they contracted Infanion to develop the core of their LCR Telecom CRM.


This LCR Telecom CRM solution offered the LCR Telecom operators one single interface to get easy access to all kind of customer related data and information associated with their customers like e.g. personal information, open tickets, usage data, ...


Once we finalizd the development of the core of the LCR Telecom CRM, the result of the development was handed over to the inhouse LCR Telecom developers.


Infanion developed the core of the LCR Telecom CRM in C#, .Net and WPF.


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LCR Telecom


Custom software development, CRM

Project status:




Used technologies & frameworks:

C#, .Net and WPF

Integrated webservices:


Integrated third parties & microservices:



On premises

User languages of the application:


Used development methodology:


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